
The Mastertrust offers a range of investment choices to help you grow your money

You can either let us manage your investments or choose your own funds.

If you don’t make any choices about where to invest your Account, you will automatically be invested in the LifeSight Medium Risk Drawdown Strategy.

This may not necessarily be right for everyone, as it will depend upon your attitude to risk and your retirement goals.

How do I decide where to invest?

You will need to think about whether you want your investments managed for you (‘do it for me’) or whether you want to manage your own investments (‘leave it to me’).

If you want the ‘do it for me’ option, then you should look at the Lifecycle strategies. If you want the ‘leave it to me’ option then you should look at the  Freechoice options. Once you’ve looked at this information, please read Making your choice to help you decide.

Investment FAQs

Investments can be hard to get to grips with, there’s more information to help you in the investment FAQs

Find out more