Make sure you’re keeping your pension safe from scams. You may think your pension is safe, or you won’t fall for a scam, but fraudsters are increasingly targeting the pension funds of UK savers.
The impact of losing some or all of your pension savings could mean that you’re unable to achieve the retirement you deserve. Often, there isn’t the time to recoup your losses and this could mean that you have to change your plans, work for longer or face financial difficulty later in life.
Taking the time to learn about how pensions work and understanding how to recognise pension scams could help you shield your retirement plans from those who would ruin them for you.
How to spot a scam
It can sometimes be difficult to spot a scam - they come in lots of different formats: unsolicited phone calls, emails and letters, as well as cold callers to your home. When it comes to pensions, you need to be careful of:
- Pension liberation scams, that offer you access to your pension before the age of 55.
- Investment scams, that offer guaranteed or unrealistic returns on investments or tempt you with high risk or unregulated investments.
- Pension review scams, where you’re contacted out of the blue and offered a free review of your pension savings and investment returns.
- Advice scams, that offer free advice with the aim of finding out personal information.
What to look out for
So, what can you do to protect your pension?